Wata Under the Bridge
Six-Button Samurai and @GameAgentET (OGiH) surf through a riptide of gaming currents, such as the sudden seeming dearth of Xbox titles for fall 2022 in the wake of Bethesda's Starfield and Redfall being delayed, a class-action lawsuit being filed against retrogaming inflationists Wata Games, and some fantastic new wrinkles for the MiSTer. And while Eddy has been spending more time watching streaming TV given his savage workload, JJJ has been playing all kinds of games, including (gasp) a modern AAA-blockbuster of all things? Last but not least... our cross-Pacific heroes talk about bad games they know are bad but adore regardless, such as Vic Tokai's (classic?) Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode for the NES. Put on your Karate Man t-shirt and get ready to feel the sweet blue sting of this latest episode of OH GOD IT Hz!
Twitter: RuminationsRadioNetwork@RuminationsN
Music and Production by Mitch Proctor for Area 42 Studios and Sound
Audio Engineered by Dean Delp for Area 42 Studios and Sound
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Creators and Guests

Game Agent ET (aka Eddy)
Game Agent ET (aka Eddy) occasionally phones home to the US from Japan, where he has set up covert operations since 2007 under the guise of an English teacher. Originally birthed from the dusty trails of Tucson, Arizona, ET has shown great intrigue in earthly customs and rituals, such as playing video games, learning about Japanese culture, partaking in a fantasy football league, drawing depictions of humans with big kawaii eyes, and engaging in other artsy endeavors.