Episode 56: Ridge Racer vs. Pac-Man and the Less-Is-More Games That Truly Satisfy
GameAgenstET and The Six Button Samurai dive into a philosophical discussion about the games that move us, and how in an age of weighing games by follow-up DLC support or how long a game takes to complete, a key aspect of what makes a good game great may be falling by the wayside. EVO is also happening quite literally as we speak, and the shadow drop of SVC Chaos (not to mention the looming release of SNK's Terry Bogard as SF6 DLC) steers us right into an oral history of what happened when Capcom and SNK originally collaborated around the turn of the millennium. It's not a struggle, it's a match of two gamers across the Pacific laying down their love for games on the latest OH GOD IT Hz!
Twitter: RuminationsRadioNetwork@RuminationsN
Music and Production by Mitch Proctor for Area 42 Studios and Sound
Audio Engineered by Dean Delp for Area 42 Studios and Sound
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Creators and Guests

Game Agent ET (aka Eddy)
Game Agent ET (aka Eddy) occasionally phones home to the US from Japan, where he has set up covert operations since 2007 under the guise of an English teacher. Originally birthed from the dusty trails of Tucson, Arizona, ET has shown great intrigue in earthly customs and rituals, such as playing video games, learning about Japanese culture, partaking in a fantasy football league, drawing depictions of humans with big kawaii eyes, and engaging in other artsy endeavors.